write author bio

Guest Blogging: How To Write The Perfect Author Bio

So you’ve made it through writing your guest post! You’re in the home stretch now and there’s only one thing standing in the way of you and getting your contribution published – the author bio.

Compared to the body of your article, the author bio is a relatively small part with only a few words. For many guest blogging campaigns, however, it’s one of the most important parts of your contribution. Your author bio needs to convince readers to follow the plan you envision for them. The problem though is that it needs to pack it all into just a sentence or two. This makes crafting the perfect author bio vital to the success of your guest post campaign.

Consider Your Goals

Just as how your articles should be in line with the goals of your guest blogging campaign, your author bios should follow suit. The needs and style of your author bios can differ from goal to goal.

For example, if you’re guest posting to build a relationship with bloggers in your industry, the author bio isn’t hugely important. If you’re attempting to drive traffic to your website, however, the author bio should entice readers to visit your landing page.

Avoid Overly-Promotional Bylines

Your author bio isn’t just a text space to stuff with links. Likewise, it’s not just free advertising space. Bloggers and readers both dislike overly-promotional author bios, so take caution to avoid them in your guest posts.

The best author bios are the ones that show how readers will benefit by clicking through to your landing page without extra advertising fluff. Convince visitors why your company is the perfect choice for solving their problems rather than telling them how great it is.

But Don’t Forget a Call to Action

The author bio of a guest post is also likely your last chance to convert readers into visitors to your site. Too often, guest bloggers create weak author bios that just tell a little bit about them and their company. Even though it shouldn’t be overly-promotional, it should have a strong call to action.

For most goals not implementing of a strong call to action is effectively like wasting all of the work you’ve done so far. Sure, you might produce a great, well-received article. But if few of the readers click on your links, then your results will be minimal.

Your call to action should tell readers what you want them to do next. Are you offering a free report for signing up on your landing page? Make sure you use your author bio to tell readers to click through and why it will be beneficial to them (they’ll get additional free information)

For the campaigns focused on building relationships with bloggers and showcasing expertise in your field, a call to action isn’t highly critical in achieving your goals, but can still be an added benefit to your efforts.

Don’t Just Link to Your Landing Page

Most bloggers will allow you to place 1-2 links in your guest posts’ author bio. Take advantage of this to link to more than just your site. Use these extra opportunities to provide readers with links to your social media profiles. Depending on the goals of your campaign, these could be for your business or for you personally.

When building credibility and establishing expertise, you should link to your personal profiles on professional social media sites like LinkedIn and Twitter.

If you’re trying to increase brand awareness, promoting your company’s page on Facebook or Pinterest may yield the best results.

Linking to your Google+ page in your author bio can also be a way to set up Google authorship for your guest posts for enhanced search engine results.

Writing your author bio is the last part of creating a great guest blogging contribution. The bio is very important for the goals of most campaigns as it’s a way to recommend what actions readers should take next. Without a short, efficient author bio and a strong call to action, even the best articles can fail to generate substantial results. Take the time needed to create the perfect bio for every article by focusing on your goals, the guest post’s subject and what would appeal to the blog’s target demographic.

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3 Ways to Use Facebook for Marketing

Facebook is still a champion of social networks, where friends connect and share everything online. More than just a meeting place for friends, Facebook has become a place where companies advertise through customer interaction and self-marketing.

In this post, we’ll look at three ways to use Facebook for social media marketing.

Whether you’re a big business or a small local business, Facebook is a powerful marketing tool – it’s a great place to keep customers informed, develop your brand identity, and expand your coverage.

1. Make the most of your Facebook business page

A Facebook page is a great tool for small budget marketing for small business owners. These pages allow companies to identify themselves, not only to list product and service offerings, but also to share links, images and posts on a customizable page to give you a better idea of ​​the company’s personality and character. Let’s see the benefits of social media marketing.

The Buy Now button on the Facebook business page

Your Facebook business page is a great place to develop your brand identity and display your human page. Facebook is the place where you can loosen your tie a little – don’t be afraid to be funny.

Finally, you need to consider what your target audience wants to see. Share photos, links, videos on social networks, whether they are related to your business and look like your target audience. Use Facebook Insights to see what attracts your audience the most.

In addition to the fun videos of dogs walking in small shoes, a shoe store can also post an article on how to accurately measure the size of the foot, what type of insole is best for various injured foot problems, etc. A good mix of humor, educational resources and posts about your store updates are ideal.

Get more help to improve your online advertising campaigns with our FREE all-star online advertising guide

2. Facebook advertising: classic ads

Facebook offers its own form of advertising with Facebook ads, which appear in the page columns of the Facebook site. These classic advertisements are more precisely called market advertisements. These include a copy title, an image, and a link to a Facebook page, a Facebook application, or an external website. Implementing Facebook advertising in your Facebook marketing strategy is a possible technique for increasing likes or clicks on your site.

Facebook advertising features include:

  • Demographic targeting based on Facebook users’ data about age, location, education, and interests.
  • Ability to set advertising budgets.
  • Ad testing, in which multiple versions of ads can run simultaneously to compare ad designs and configurations.
  • Integrated tools for measuring ad performance.
  • The ability to advertise in your specific area is great for local businesses.

Facebook does not disclose information about CTRs, so it is difficult to know how effective Facebook ads are. In our Facebook and Google Image Ads infographic, we found that Facebook ads generally have a CTR of 0.051% and an average CPC of $ 0.80; however, a company’s advertising costs on Facebook can vary greatly, depending on the targeting options listed and the competition.

Using Facebook advertising to increase your “appreciation” can be very beneficial: when a user likes your page, he will essentially become a follower of your company page, and your posts will appear in the Facebook news feed.

This results in more users interacting with you and your brand, forming relationships that could eventually convert in the future.

3. Host contests on Facebook

Organizing contests, contests, or promotions on Facebook is another Facebook marketing tactic that can increase the awareness of fans and the brand.

When conducting a contest on Facebook, keep in mind that contests can’t be hosted by Facebook itself (which means you can’t ask for feedback as contributions, people post answers in comments, etc.). Companies need to use a third-party app to create competition on Facebook and then direct users to the app on their Facebook page.

seo agency

How a Shopify SEO Agency Can Help Boost Your Store Traffic

Traffic is not easy to come by online. There’s certainly plenty of it to go around, but actually attracting it is another story. You also have to factor in that not all traffic is necessarily beneficial for your business. If you want to generate more traffic that will actually purchase your products and help push your business goals further, you need to take the right steps.

A Shopify SEO agency will be able to help you put together a plan of action that will get you the traffic you need in order to boost your business. Being a store owner comes with a fair share of challenges. From inventory management to marketing your brand, there are dozens of small and large tasks that need to be juggled in order to carve a path to success online.

Getting traffic is perhaps one of the most important and most difficult tasks of all. How do you actually get people on your website? What’s more, how do you get people to visit your website and actually buy your products?

Why SEO is the Right Move For Shopify Stores

If you operate a Shopify eCommerce website, you know how important it is to generate traffic and conversions. This is the backbone of your business, after all, but it’s easier said than done. If anyone could magically get an unlimited flow of traffic, we would all be overnight millionaires.

The truth is that, despite how popular online shopping is, you still have to fight for every visitor to your site. You have to prove not only to shoppers, but to Google, that your website is worth visiting. This is where Shopify SEO comes in. A search engine optimization plan addresses a multitude of different areas of your website, from site speed to navigation, meta titles and a variety of other issues, all of which play an important role in your website’s ability to rank.

You probably have been trying to get on the first page of Google for your best keywords for some time now. You may even have a little background knowledge in SEO but can’t seem to move the needle. This is because there’s a whole lot more to SEO for eCommerce than you might think. Before even delving into the process of adding keywords to specific pages or making blogs based around these keywords, you have to perform the right research.

This is where a Shopify SEO agency can make a real difference for your business. A qualified agency will know how to perform in-depth SEO research, using proprietary tools and other research methods, to analyze ranking opportunities. Only through proper keyword research can you begin to properly boost your website and help push it onto the first page of Google.

There are other ranking factors you have to consider as well. Are you getting enough backlinks? Are the backlinks you are generating based around informative content that points to your important target pages? Do these target pages have the right keywords in play?

Chances are, you haven’t thought of any of this, which is why an SEO agency with a Shopify background is absolutely necessary if you want to get ahead. Don’t waste time into other forms of digital marketing if you don’t have your SEO down.

Genius eCommerce® is a skilled Shopify agency that knows a thing or two about Shopify and the world of eCommerce marketing. They have extensive experience with ranking Shopify stores and will be able to make a powerful difference for your business. Contact them today to get started with boosting your online store.

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10 Instagram marketing tips you Should Definitely know

The world is being controlled by Instagram. It would be an understatement to define the influence Instagram is having these days over people from all ages and all walks of life. This social media application by our very own Mark Zuckerberg is no less than the centre of gravity where the entire world is connected and attracted with just a couple of photos.

This photo sharing app, over the years have become a hub or more specifically a global village where the distances between people from different continents are shortened like anything with just the help of photos. Such a platform brings so much more to explore and is definitely worthy of being utilized to its full potential especially when it comes to social media marketing of a business as the conditions and usage of Instagram is ideally fitting for that. 

A lot of the people haven’t really realized that due to which we are writing this article. We had detailed conversations from experts across the world and here we have assembled for you 10 interesting and helpful tips they told us to spread to those wishing to market this product and earn sales. 

Tips for instagram marketing


Your Instagram feed is nothing less or more than the photos you upload as it is only a photo sharing app and nothing beyond that. Therefore it is extremely important the photos you are sharing are of high quality and since Instagram only allows square sized photos to be uploaded, you make sure that before uploading a picture, you use some different app to fit it to that size so that the pixels aren’t disturbed, something important isn’t cropped out and the quality remains intact while your photo is being viewed by the world. For instance, if you are posting about Leather Jackets, your picture should be of the best quality so that the viewer is able to have a glance at the most peculiar details of your product.


As mentioned earlier, Instagram offers countless amazing features but it is all on you to work them in your favor. The Instagram bio link is from the first few things a visitor would get to see when he/she visits your profile so it is important that your instragram bio link has something productive. You must put up the link of the page or website you associate yourself with so that when the visitor clicks on it, he isn’t taken away somewhere completely else to what your business or promotions are about.


When a certain hashtag is used repeatedly at the same time by a huge number of people, it goes trending and being a business firm you should be known and updated to those trending hashtags which can even be some emojis. If you will use those trending hashtags under the descriptions of your uploads, there is a great chance that when someone will search that certain hashtag, your post might pop up to their screen and you get noticed.


Without hesitating or fearing anything, you should always engage in the habit of cross promoting your partners on your Instagram stories, posts or IGTV videos as it helps both of you and your partners to drive traffic to their page which would in turn increase the followers and definitely the sales too.


While running a business, it is extremely important from the people at the firm to know the traffic that is being driven to their website via Instragram provided link. Unfortunately, Google doesn’t help you with that and won’t let you the count of people who are taken to your website when they came to your Instagram page. So, to keep track of that particular traffic and the count of the clicks, you are advised to use a customized bit.ly link for the URL of your Instagram bio which will enable you to document the number of clicks later on.


This feature is one of the fastest growing ones on Instagram and is unarguably the best for the businesses. The sponsored ads allow your product to be seen by anyone in the world regardless of the fact that they are following you or not which is something humongous and should be taken complete advantage of. Although the feature isn’t accessible to all but if it is accessible to you, don’t forget to make use of it!


Another reason which you can give to your followers to stay and give you consideration is the quality of your posts. You should keep a balance between photos and videos and should keep switching between the two to provide something different to your audience and keep them engaged. If you have posted a picture about James Bond Suit, next time come up with a motion picture of Cyberpunk 2077 Jacket which is also a thing these days that really fascinates.


If Instagram is controlling the world, the bloggers and social media influencers are controlling the Instagram for sure. Their reviews are actually being heard and so if you have partnerships with them, you are at a very great advantage. It is therefore recommended that you find out the right kind of influencers on Instagram which you think can help you the best with your promotions.


At a beginning stage; it is not harmful at all to make use of sponsored posts as this is a key feature which can bring your page and business under attention. There are a lot of pages on Instagram which can help you in this regard. You will have to pay them the asked money and your post will be sponsored on their page. The millions of followers they have will get to know about you and a lot of them will check you out as well.


Last but not the least, another effective way to bring the deserving content or product of yours under limelight is to use links that direct users to them. Your Instagram bio link or your stories are the platforms where you can put up the links of your products or pages on your website which you think should mandatorily be seen by the visitors to know more about your business. 


the above mentioned 10 tips are given by the world’s experienced people who have experienced these all. So, make use of everything that we have told you for budget marketing and see your business reaching heights of success at the rate of knots.

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Difference Between Digital Marketing and Social Media Marketing In 2021

The difference between digital marketing and social media is that social media advertising is simply one of the to be had channels of digital advertising and marketing. Many humans trust that by way of means of attractive on social media they may be doing digital advertising and marketing however this is not 100% true. There are numerous extra channels to make use of in a digital advertising and marketing campaign.

Digital marketing is an umbrella term that encompasses all types of marketing activities that a brand carries out digitally, both online and offline, to promote its services or products. Social media marketing services, on the other hand, is one of the channels of digital media marketing. It includes marketing on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at how these two are different and how to use them in business. 

What exactly is digital marketing?

The dictionary defines marketing as the action or business of promoting products and services to make them profitable. Add the word digital and you can change the definition into the action or business of promoting products and services through digital outlets to make them profitable.

Technical Other than the definitions, digital marketing is really about getting a bespoke one Implement a mix of digital channels to achieve any of the following goals: 

  • Grow your sales and profits
  • They use the platform to find new things, as well as for client service.
  • Implement inbound marketing strategies that get customers to search for you out 
  • Promote your brand, product, or service, and much more

Be aware that you do not have to implement all of the available digital marketing channels to achieve your goals. Instead, create a bespoke mix of digital marketing channels that fits your brand, audience, and brand budget.

Not all marketing channels will have the same impact. The ideal mix for digital marketing depends on each company, as each industry and audience react differently to different marketing channels. Because of this, you often need to implement, test, change, retest, and measure strategies to see which strategies work best for your business. Then you can delete the marketing channels that are not delivering a satisfactory ROI or growth rate. 

Does Digital Marketing go beyond the Internet?

Digital marketing is not a new concept. It has been around for a long time – as long as radios and televisions are in homes, it wasn’t just born with the Internet.

 Yes, the Internet is part of it, as is the social From Twitter to email marketing to SEO, you are involved in digital marketing when promoting a business online, but several other media and outlets benefit from digital marketing, such as television, radio, and even digital billboards and billboards. If you own a restaurant and have a digital sign up front that advertises the daily specials, you are technically using digital marketing.

 However, because consumers do a lot of their research, browsing, and browsing. in their online shopping these days, most businesses are more reliant on the internet related aspects of digital marketing such as SEO, PPC, Email, Banner, Content, Web, Mobile and yes, social media. In general, creating a digital marketing strategy takes time and results are rarely immediate. 

What exactly is social media marketing?

Again, social media marketing is just one element, one digital marketing channel, which is simply marketing your products and services via Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Google+, YouTube, and other social networking sites. Searching for influencers, organizing contests, posting content, live streaming, and anything else you can do to get people’s attention with a tweet or update. 

 Compared to other types of digital marketing, many companies and brands can respond faster with social media campaigns. But in most cases, it is not enough, so it is important that brands and companies not only focus on social media when marketing their products and services but use it in collaboration with as many other marketing components as possible. 

Why focus on social media marketing at all?

Social media marketing should go hand in hand with other forms of digital marketing, no matter what other forms you use or the type of company you work for. If you’re not sure why you can start with numbers. For example, about 8,000 tweets are sent per second. As of early 2018, the social media site had over 330 million monthly active users, 69 million of whom were located in the United States. – educated and have above-average income. They use the platform to find new things, further as for client service. They also tend to follow their favorite small and medium-sized businesses. These numbers only apply to one of the many social networks. Tempting to the other big social media sites. 

Key Differences Between Digital Marketing and Social Media Marketing

The Differences Between Digital Marketing and Social Media Marketing are Elaborated in the following points.

  • Social media marketing is a type of marketing that uses social media websites to drive traffic and increase customer loyalty. On the other hand, digital marketing refers to the modern marketing technique in which all available and inexpensive electronic channels are used to advertise products or services and increase customer reach.
  •  In social media marketing, the reach is limited to the limits of social media websites, as does the internet. Conversely, digital marketing is not only based on internet-based platforms but can also be carried out offline and so the range is comparatively greater.
  • In social media marketing, content is seen as king. The better the content, the more customer loyalty will be. On the other hand, digital marketing focuses on banners to create an impression in the mind of the customer.
  •  In social media marketing, the marketer aims to actively engage with the social media user. Conversely, digital marketing emphasizes reaching the target audience through different channels like TV, radio, mobile apps, email ads, search ads, etc.
  • If you compare the speed of a product advertised on social media and digital media, obviously social media wins as the reach Is faster. This is due to an active reaction from the user in the form of likes, shares, comments, and status, which helps to reach a larger audience within seconds, making digital media slower. 


It is essential to understand the differences among the unique marketing theories so you can pick out the maximum suitable equipment to apply to your campaigns.

Digital marketing is the destiny of digital advertising and could regularly advantage greater floor within the online and offline worlds.

Social media, on the alternative hand, is the brand new manner to hook up with different people, it’s miles a part of virtual advertising and it’s right here to alternate the manner we discover new clients and sell our products.

link building method

4 Link Building Methods to Follow in 2022

Reviews, sites, and media are some of the very popular link building methods which have stood the test of time. The principles of link construction are changing at a quick rate, and companies have little option but to stay informed about the conversion. Sites and online companies that attempt to enjoy fame and high positions will need to collect a classy skillset, perseverance, along with the essential tools to accommodate the fast-changing trends.

In the last several decades, links have been marketed as a key ranking variable, along with the entrepreneurs and SEO specialists who formerly failed links and concentrated on on-page SEO and articles advertising are now changing their focus towards link construction. Why is this?

Google has also contributed to the prevalence of link construction by seeing links as the major ranking variable, alongside optimized and creative content. Modern-day entrepreneurs and content creators understand that rank without links is an ambitious effort because Google prefers sites that clinic link building.

Back in 2012, the link constructing standard revolved around incorporating heaps of links to blog posts and posts to rank websites on the initial pages of search engine success. However, that approach is completely useless in 2020, as Google’s Core Algorithm is now powered using an extremely complex spam filter. Nowadays, marketers choose backlinks with caution and care since links may also prove insecure and may undermine their creative and technical credibility.

Let us find out, shall we?

1. Requesting Backlinks

As a newcomer in this subject, the perfect way to begin your journey would be to request backlinks and concentrate on quality. As an example, you may ask friends, family, collaborators, relatives, coworkers, and peers, sociable networking influencers, as well as your customers that run their own sites and sites and ask for a backlink. You merely have to reach out to your social and professional circles and request high-quality in-content links.

Make sure you steer clear of sidebar or footer links, and instead, concentrate on amassing in-content links. It’s essential to keep excellent, rigorous control when it comes to inventing your link building plan. Backlinks that come from sites that are like your market and articles’ thoughts have to be rigorously avoided.

Such links do more damage than good as they’ll take your visitors to some similar site rather than adding value to your articles.

2. Cultivating Relationships

Are you wondering exactly what building relationships must do with link building? Well, cultivating relationships will improve the efficacy and level of your link building campaigns. Today, bloggers, entrepreneurs. And content creators have scores of exceptional networking opportunities that enable them to create contacts in the electronic realm.

You can begin by connecting communities, social groups, blogs, and forums that are related to your market and experience. As an example, the Link Building Experts Group on Facebook is a great and extremely supportive platform for novices and experienced professionals. It always helps marketers to build a successful online marketing strategy.

Do not be afraid to take step one and begin by making a fascinating contribution to a post or beginning a dialogue with a post of your own. Actively engaging in social groups and electronic communities can allow you to get exposure and quality backlinks. What’s more, you’ll always remain abreast of business trends and insider news.

You’ll also have the ability to network and socialize with creative men and women who share your interests and operate in precisely the exact same niche.

3. Testimonial Link Building

In the previous two decades. Testimonial link construction has emerged as a common chance for companies and content creators to collaborate and benefit each other. Come to think about it; it’s a win-win circumstance.

There are lots of companies and digital marketing and advertising services which are going to be eager to collaborate with you in the event that you utilize your site or blog to go over your expertise with their services or products. This exercise makes it possible for companies to tap into your audience and construct the hard-earned customer confidence. Which is not motivated by their direct marketing efforts.

For you personally, testimonial link construction gives a superb chance to acquire backlinks and gain from the possible traffic on such a site. The acceptance rate is significantly greater when compared to the majority of standard link asks.

4. Work on your Website

Most entrepreneurs and companies think that one blog article and a single backlink is sufficient to acquire the search engine rank they need. But this is not how it is done. In case you don’t have any schedule to keep up a routine and immersive site. Then do not waste one minute of the time on creating risky links and preparing a blog. It will not function as intended purpose unless you’re decided to work on your own site.

A website is an electronic thing that has to be kept alive with imagination. Technical assistance, quality link building, and SEO skills. You are able to make the process simpler and less demanding by developing a flexible program that lets you make normal posts. Concentrate on keeping an immersive content and networking plan and tailor your content in agreement with business trends and the tastes of your viewers.

Also read 7 Steps To Optimize Your Website For SEO By Using Local Landing Pages.

It takes some time, but your efforts will be successful. Along with your site will obtain ability along with an audience. In regards to websites, content is king, and your content plan ought to be well-structured. Immersive, and useful to pull readers. In case you have an active site with a booming readership. Companies and sites from all of the planet would like to link with your site.

This is unquestionably the best way to make excellent backlinks without needing to try too hard. Concentrate on your content caliber and allow the links to come to you!

Closing Ideas

Today, bloggers, entrepreneurs, and content creators have access to innumerable online directories offering helpful information to your readers and permit you to add quality links to your site or blog. While not all online directories are useful and dependable. It is possible to discover lots of directories that are related to your market or industry.

Writing creative and beneficial guest articles is just another excellent approach to grow your credibility and allow you to build links that throw an impressive light on your abilities and site. It’s essential to avoid glorifying your company or site in guest articles. And instead, concentrate on solving problems and supplying insight which makes your content helpful and enlightening.

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7 Steps to Optimize your website for SEO by using local landing pages

Did you know that 92% of searchers will only pick the businesses on the first page of their local results? That’s a huge number! So how can you optimize your website so these local consumers end up on your website? The answer is by optimizing your website for local SEO which you can do by creating local landing pages.

What Is A Local Landing Page?

City landing pages also known as local landing pages are the pages on a website that are optimized for the specific geography of the business to better tailor to the needs of the locals. These pages are must-haves for those businesses that operate in more than one location.

Need For Local Landing Pages

So why the need for these local landing pages? Their need arises because consumers in different locations have different needs. Google is smart and only displays those results on top that match local search intent. Because of this, what may work in one place may not do so well in another. This is why local landing pages are created, to address the needs of consumers living in different locations –whether it’s multiple cities or continents. Basically, in simple words – local landing pages speak to a specific audience based on their geography.

How To Create Local Landing Pages For Your Website

You must be wondering what makes local landing pages different from standard landing pages? The difference is in their content. Local landing pages are optimized for local searches. They help businesses in search engine optimization and bring them on top in specific keyword searches.

So how to know which pages on your website require a local landing page, and how to create one? Most of the time, city landing pages are only created for the service pages of businesses. If you’ve ever seen the website of Airbnb, they leverage different local landing pages (according to each city) to appeal better to their audience.

So where to start when creating a local landing page for your service page? Below we will explain in steps how to create a killer local landing page that ranks at the top for local searches.

1. Research Relevant Local Keywords

Every SEO effort starts with keyword research and it’s no different in local SEO. Your aim should be to find low difficulty, high volume, and local keywords for your business. For example, if you’re a car rental business in Houston, then you should be optimizing for a keyword like ‘car rentals in Houston’. In addition to the location of the place, you should also find keywords for phrases that are well known in that location.

2. Local Content Copy

After you are done with keyword research, it’s time to use those local keywords in your content. Focus on keywords that can be used to write content around a problem that is faced by locals. Tailoring your content around the concerns of the locals is what a good local landing page is all about.

You also have to make sure that the content of each local landing page is unique. Google penalizes duplicate content so it’s a big no to duplicate landing pages. But creating so many city landing pages copy can be a tough task! You can start by only creating local landing pages for your high-traffic service pages.

3. Local Contact Information

Contact information comes in content as well. But we wanted to create a separate section for it to highlight it better. There are a few things that you should include in the contact information of these landing pages.

Write your NAP (Name, address, phone number) the same on local landing pages as you did on your other pages. You must uphold NAP consistency everywhere on your website to rank better for local searches. And if you have your physical address in that local then make sure to embed it in Google Map. This will make it easy for your customers to find your business, and also put you in Google’s good graces!

4. Site Structure

Where will all these landing pages be on your website? Linking your local landing service to your main service page is a good idea. This is because the main service page is usually the first place someone looks when they are interested in your services. If they want to explore different areas you offer services in, they can then go on the internal linked local service pages.

Besides the main service page, you can also attach local landing pages to the footer of the website. This gives the user an idea about all the locations you serve in, in one place.

5. Local Title Tags

On-page SEOis all about meta descriptions and internal linking. These tags are the main holding places for your keywords. They are also an important ranking factor for Google. Make sure that you include the location name and service name in your title tag to optimize the page for local SEO.

6. Local Meta Descriptions

A meta description is a summary of what the user will find on your page. It is the biggest factor that influences if the user should click on your website or not. Try to include your focus keyword in the meta description at least one time, as well as the location.

7. Internal Linking

After you’re done with the content, you will want to link relevant pages to your local landing page. These pages can be case studies, how-to-guides, tips, and tricks, etc., that are relevant to the audience of that location.


Local landing pages are must-haves for businesses that are offering services in more than one location. These landing pages bring the business more conversion, as the website ranks higher in local searches because of them. Creating these pages and optimizing them for SEO is not so different from standard SEO. The only different thing is the inclusion of the location. There are many free seo tools for small businesses. You can follow a DIY approach when creating local landing pages.or get professional local SEO services that deliver top-notch results. Whatever the case, don’t miss out on that juicy local traffic by not optimizing your site for local SEO!

social media marketing services

4 Best Tips for Social Media Marketing Services in Pakistan

Social media is the biggest platform for promoting a business as more than three billion people are using it. Here we come up with a quick guide to social media marketing services in Pakistan. Using social media is as essential as eating is necessary for life because it’s the best platform to stay connected with each other in this virtual world. So, advertising brands and businesses, and promoting the products through engaging content, videos, and pictures is now standard these days for driving traffic on your website.

Social media marketing services in Pakistan are currently active and offering their services like content creation, publishing, advertising, and promoting content through specific channels. Social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, YouTube, and Pinterest are common in almost every house.

You can convince people for your brand via engaging content as they already want things from the same and trustworthy place. Publishing content related to your business is as simple as uploading any content on your Facebook profile. But you can also get help from digital marketing agencies.

Strategy or planning

Before promoting the brand, you have to look at your goals, and the business strategy before startup is as necessary as breathing. The plan is essential because you have to grow up in the market, and there is a lot of competitive brands, and you have to beat your target competitors. Coming up with a successful online marketing is the best way to start a small business and grow in the market.

So, the agencies who are offering their marketing services firstly have to create a marketing plan, and if you find it attractive then, you can go with it. Before the promotion, you could look for the social keywords, why people are looking for this product, the competitors’ strategic plan, how you could attract the customers, what type of content should you publish, and the points you must look at before starting up. So, companies have experts who will make the strategy of your brand marketing.

2. Engaging content creation

Engaging content creation is a vital factor that agencies should consider while promoting someone’s brand. Valuable content should be short, cleverly written like it should be the one that your audience wants to read at the same time. Agencies have expert content creators who use their creative skills to promote the clients business.

Customer satisfaction should be your ultimate goal for a successful business, and you can paste your content on the images and embed it in the videos and post it as a blog post. Many companies in Pakistan are creating digital marketing campaigns and driving traffic towards the clients’ sites. Moreover, the content shouldn’t spontaneously create you must create a reader’s engaging, valuable content.

3. Content publication

After creating engaging content, it is the hardest thing to publish the content. It’s not because you need specific tools as it is as simple to publish as uploading content to your Facebook personal profile. But the main thing that makes it the hardest step is posting at the right time.

However, it is strenuous to reach your audience at the right time, especially for the persons who are running small businesses. So, hiring digital marketing agencies for this work might be helpful for you. So, always try to make things easier for you.

Final thoughts

Social media marketing Services in Pakistan is useful, which could be the best way to grab customers’ attention towards your product or business. if you do this with the proper strategy. So, get help from the agencies as they have enthusiastic professionals with 24/7 support for their customers.

social media marketing

Pros and cons of social media marketing in Singapore

In a time when technology is a part of our everyday life, it is not a surprise that it is embedded in activities that we usually do. We even order clothing, food, and other basic necessities through apps. We even book transportation services with the help of technology. It plays an important role in our daily lives because it makes it easier. Many brands use new technology to grow business and build new customer base.

With different businesses, technology has played and is playing an important role. Technology, through social media marketing, has changed the way brands and businesses market their products. Business marketing has evolved from printed ads to social media marketing. Social media marketing targets a wider audience compared to printed ads. This is why many businesses from different industries have engaged and ventured into social media marketing Singapore strategies. This can be done through social media marketing professionals or social media agency Singapore specialists. However, every advantage comes with a disadvantage. So, in this article, we will talk about the pros and cons of social media marketing in Singapore.


Low Cost

This type of marketing can present lower costs. This is because almost all social media platforms are free. This makes it easier to access many entrepreneurs and businesses. Moreover, social media platforms have been trying to make setting up business profiles easier. However, businesses can still opt to level up their social media marketing Singapore tactics by engaging in paid marketing. Social media platforms offer these kinds of advertising opportunities specifically to target a wider audience compared to free posts. Social media marketing agency Singapore specialists are experts in these kinds of ads because they know who to target for your business to maximize your investment.

Wider Reach

As stated in the first point, the social media marketing Singapore strategy offers an even wider reach of the targeted audience. The usual physical store and printed ad advertisements can only reach those that are just within the proximity of the ads. However, with social media marketing in Singapore tactic, a significant number of people can be reached even if they are on the other end of the world. This is specifically achieved through paid advertising where social media platforms offer to post or play your ad in different places targeting different audiences and at a specific time. All of these works and specifications can be made possible with the help of a social media agency Singapore professionals.

More personal

Businesses have noted that ordering and customer interaction in business through social media marketing Singapore platforms felt more personal This is compared to the usual physical store interaction between a sales agent and a customer. On social media platforms, the customer can send a private message and receive a personalized response. Thus, making it more personal. In this article, “Pros and cons of social media marketing in Singapore”, These types of strategies can be provided to you by your social media agency Singapore specialist.



The benefits of social media marketing Singapore’s strategy are indeed promising. However, to be able to reap these benefits, one must spend time curating, posting, even following up the contents posted. Curating or making the post alone can be so time-consuming as you have to spend time thinking of contents and pleasing images. The difference between printed ads and social media marketing Singapore posts is that when the printed ads are up, you will not have to do so much work anymore. However, with social media platforms, constant follow-ups, and consistent presence are required. This is where the role of social media agency Singapore professionals might be a big help. They can take over these kinds of work for you.


Since the Pros and cons of social media marketing in Singapore tactics are done through social media platforms, there is a risk to the business’ security. The issue of profile hacking any breach of security is not new. Exposing your business to the world wide web is also exposing it to threats. However, there are many security measures you can take to make sure that this will not happen. This can be another area that a social media agency Singapore specialist can be of help. They are experts in this field so they would know exactly what to do to prevent this from happening.

Grow with us

Grow your business and reach a wider horizon with us. Digital Marketing is a low budget marketing technique for every business. We will be your guide in setting up that social media presence. Tap the right market and widen your reach. Contact us today and start your social media presence tomorrow.


Making Money Blogging 101: How To Start a Highly Profitable Blog And Dominate Your Niche

Do you want to start a profitable blog and make money online? If so, you’ve come to the right place. In this lengthy post (over 6,000 words), I’m going to share the exact steps you need to take in order to starting a profitable blog from scratch and start making money blogging.

I believe that anyone has the potential to start a very successful blog and make a living from it. Thousands of people are doing it, so why couldn’t you?

Michelle, the founder of Making Sense of Cents , is able to consistently bring in over $70,000 each month by teaching others about personal finance and money on her blog.

And she isn’t alone—there’re plenty of people making six and even seven-figure incomes monthly with their blog.

How come is it that so many aspiring bloggers fail, while others like Michelle are able to generate an income that most of us could only dream of?

From my experience, what separates the winners from the losers is the tremendous amount of hard work required to stand out and become popular in your niche.

This wasn’t necessarily true a couple of years back but now that the internet is more crowded than ever, building a name for yourself has become significantly more challenging.

However, it is still entirely possible to earn a full-time income and more by blogging if you’re willing to work hard and dedicate a lot of your time.

If you are determined, serious and prepared to learn, you’re already halfway on the path to succeeding.

In an effort to make the other half as smooth as possible, this massive post offers a clear strategy for you to follow in order to start making money blogging, guiding you through each step of the way.

Blogging changed my life for the better, and I truly hope that this guide can help you do the same. Let’s get started!



Use these links to jump to navigate through the post. Make sure to read all the sections!


How Making Money Blogging Works

How making money blogging works and why you should start a blog today.

The Pros and Cons of Starting a Blog

Not sure blogging is for you? Evaluate the pros and cons and decide for yourself.

Choosing The Right Niche For You

You’re going to live with it for a while, so choose wisely.

Coming Up With The Perfect Domain Name

Having a good and effective domain name gives you a huge advantage.

Getting Up And Running With WordPress

How to get your blog up and running in just a couple minutes using WordPress.

Customizing Your Blog Using Plugins And Themes

Customize your blog without a single line of code by utilizing plugins and themes.

Attracting New Visitors With Great Content

How to create great content that performs well in search engines.

Promoting Your Content And Gaining Momentum

No matter how great your content is, it remains useless until it gets read.

Building a Loyal and Active Email List

An active email list is the best tool you can have to make money blogging.

Monetizing Your Blog The Right Way

Explore all the different income streams you can integrate within your blog.


How Making Money Blogging Works

Most successful bloggers follow the exact same process in order to make money with their blog. Here’s what it looks like:

Sounds easy enough?

Well, it’s not. Every single part of that process has great depth to it and requires time, motivation and trial and error in order to perfect.

Here’s how Matthew Woodward explains it:

The biggest challenge to starting a profitable blog from scratch is the sheer amount of time and hard work that is required to get it off the ground. Often people are under the illusion that blogging is a quick and easy way to make money online which couldn’t be further from the truth.

However, given that you understand that, today is still a great time to get involved with the online world and start your own blog.

An impressive 409 million people read more than 22.6 billion blog pages each month, a figure that is only rising as more and more people get access to the internet around the world.

So, once again, don’t get the wrong idea—starting a blog shouldn’t be interpreted as a ‘get rich quick’ scheme, but rather as a real business that requires hard work and consistency.


The Pros and Cons of Starting a Blog

It’s important to fully understand both the pros and the cons of starting a blog before completely jumping into it.


Great way to establish a passive & location independent income: 

Although blogging requires consistent work, you can still earn passively from your older posts and make money even when you’re sleeping.

On top of that, all you really need to work on your blog is a laptop with an internet connection. That means you can work from practically anywhere in the world, whenever you want.

Imagine being able to work straight from the beach in the Bahamas!

Doesn’t require any significant investment besides domain name and hosting:

Unlike a lot of online money-making methods, starting a blog doesn’t require you to waste your money on any expensive courses or programs that don’t deliver results.

All you need in order to get started is a host and domain name so that people can access your blog.

Paves the way to interesting opportunities:

Having a successful blog attracts an abundance of opportunities you would otherwise never be presented to.

For example, it’s quite common for bloggers to be asked to speak at events or participate in webinars, giving them the opportunity to build a strong personal brand.

Having an extensive professional network is very important nowadays, and blogging helps you put yourself out there to facilitate that process.


Writing great content isn’t easy:

There’s no denying that the blogging world is becoming more and more competitive by the day.

This means that in order to stand out, your content needs to be more than just satisfactory. Great content must be lengthy and should always prove itself very valuable to your readers.

This requires a lot of time, skill and research which explains why many people get discouraged quickly.

Need to invest a tremendous amount of time:

We know that starting a profitable blog is a legitimate business which makes you an entrepreneur, and it’s pretty commonly said that entrepreneurs are usually the ones who need to work the hardest.

Blogging is no exception—in order to succeed and make money with your blog, you must be able to consistently pump out great content and promote it while completing an endless amount of small tasks on the side.

Takes a while to start seeing results:

If you’re expecting to make a significant amount of money within a couple of weeks, you might as well give up now.

Creating the amount of content necessary to start getting noticed online takes a tremendous amount of time, and even longer for that content to start ranking well in search engines.

Realistically speaking, people start seeing results within 6-12 months if they stay consistent and motivated. You must be patient and trust that success will come.

Summing it up:

Starting a blog definitely isn’t easy and requires an enormous amount of hard work but can be an extremely profitable venture in the long run.

If you understand this and forget the idea that blogging is a quick way to make extra cash online, starting a blog is an excellent way to get involved online and build something for yourself.

Experts reveal the biggest challenges to starting a successful & profitable blog: 23+ Successful Bloggers Reveal The Biggest Challenges (And Fixes) to Starting a Profitable Blog


Choosing the Right Niche For You

Picking your blog’s niche (the main topic) is arguably the most important part of starting a blog, yet very few people actually take the time to do it properly.

It’s very important to have a well-defined niche for your blog and stick to it. If you switch from topic to topic, you will have a hard time attracting an audience and establishing yourself as a leader in your industry.

Thoughtfully consider these all these factors before settling down on a niche once and for all:

Factor #1: Personal Connection With the Niche

Generally speaking, you want to have some personal connection with your niche. That could be being passionate about the topic, having a lot of experience with it or simply being great at it.


Because in order to consistently create valuable content, you need to be either very passionate or very knowledgeable about the topic ― or better yet, both.

I always encourage my readers to pick a niche that genuinely interests them since the more passionate you are about it, the easier it’ll be to stay committed through all the hard work.

Being passionate about your niche in itself won’t guarantee your blog’s success, but will definitely help make things much smoother and more enjoyable in the long run.

Factor #2: Potential to Out-Do The Competition

It’s very important to analyze the competition thoroughly before jumping into any niche.

You shouldn’t run from a certain niche just because of a little competition ― nowadays, nearly every profitable niche will have at least a few competitors already established.

Rather than searching for a niche without competition, you want to look for one where the competitors aren’t that ahead, and there is potential to out-do them.

Here’s what you should be watching out for:

  • Short articles (under 1,500 words)
  • Bad copywriting
  • Poor design & branding
  • Weak social media interaction

If the competitors in your niche have these characteristics, you can create better content than them which we know will naturally shift the search engine rankings in your favor over time.

On the flip side, if your competitors are already near perfect and show few flaws, it’s unlikely that you will be able to out-do them which leaves less room for your blog to be successful.

Carefully examine your competition and determine whether or not there is room for you to grow in the niche. Having more competition in your niche doesn’t mean that you can’t succeed, but rather that it would take much more time and effort.

Factor #3: Money-Making Ability

Before choosing your niche, you must evaluate the possibility of making money and decide if it’s realistic or not. It’s important to ask yourself:

  • What products can I promote within this niche?
  • Is there an active group of buyers to promote to?

Figure out what you want to sell and build your blog backward from there. That way, you can create content based on what you are selling and attract the perfect audience of potential buyers.

Factor #4: Trend In The Niche

It’s a good idea to assess the trend factor of your niche before completely diving into it. Since creating a blog is a long-term investment, you want to make sure that people are still going to be searching for your content in the future.

You can easily learn more about the trend factor for your niche by using the Google Trends tool.

Radio is an excellent example of a niche you wouldn’t want to tap into right now― there has been a steady decline in the interest for over 6 years now with no comeback in sight.

Keep all these factors in mind when you search for your niche so you don’t regret your choice later on. Once you’ve decided on a niche, the best thing to do is to stick with it and work on becoming an expert over time.


Coming Up With The Perfect Domain Name

Picking your domain name is a crucial step to starting your blog and should absolutely not be rushed since you generally don’t want to change it afterward.

SiteGround offers a free domain name upon signing up for a hosting package, which I use and highly recommend to all my readers.

Here are things you should be looking for when coming up with a domain name for your blog:

1. Catchy, easy to remember

Your domain name should be simple and catchy so that your readers easily remember it. You also want to make sure that it’s easy to pronounce and spell.

2. Tied to your niche

Obviously, you want your domain name to be related to your niche one way or another. Ideally, your domain name alone should be enough to get a general idea of what your blog is about.

3. Easily brandable

Creating a strong brand is arguably the highest goal for bloggers. Therefore, you want to pick a name that can easily be branded and leave a strong mark on your readers.

Pick a domain name that you love, that you can grow into and that fits well with your future vision for the blog.

If you are having trouble being creative and coming up with a great name, you can use free tools like NameStation to help you find ideas.


Getting Up And Running With WordPress

Now that you’ve got your blog’s niche and domain name ready, it’s time to actually create your blog and get running.

The best and easiest way to do this is with WordPress, the most popular blogging platform in the world—in fact, one in four of all websites are powered by WordPress.

WordPress gives you the option to start a free blog hosted on their servers – although this can seem like a great option at first, any successful blogger will agree that it isn’t sufficient:

  • “www.blogname.wordpress.com” domain name which looks very untrustworthy
  • Annoying ads placed on your website
  • No plugins
  • No custom themes
  • No real control over your blog

To use WordPress to its full potential, you must have your own hosting account and domain name. This allows you to exert complete control over your blog and not be limited by the free features.

I highly recommend buying your domain and hosting from SiteGround. They are extremely trustworthy, have amazing customer service, live chat, and reliability, and offer a quick “one-click install” for WordPress.

Click here to visit SiteGround

Blogging Action readers get a discounted price and free domain name. Their hosting accounts offer lightning speeds for WordPress, starting at only $3.95/month!

Once you sign up for hosting with SiteGround, setting up WordPress is a piece of cake. Start by heading to your control panel at www.yourdomainname.com/cpanel and logging in.

From there, you can press the ‘WordPress’ button under ‘Auto Installers’ and it’ll automate the whole installation process for you. All you need to do is wait a couple of minutes, and voila!


Customizing Your Blog Using Plugins And Themes

One of the great things about WordPress is the flexibility the platform offers in terms of customization.

Using plugins, you can easily add all the functionality you need to your site without a hassle—if you can think it, it’s probably possible with a plugin. They can automate tasks, fix issues and overall just make your life as a blogger much simpler.

You can seriously find a plugin to do just about anything you can imagine, which is part of what makes WordPress so powerful.

Using themes, you can completely customize the look of your blog without needing to know a single line of code. When you first install WordPress, the yearly theme “Twenty Sixteen” will automatically be activated.

Depending on whether you like it or not, there’s plenty of other options for you to choose from. You can find plenty of free usable themes by going to the Themes section on your WordPress dashboard.

Although there’s many free options to choose from, a lot of people still opt for premium themes. These tend to be more visually appealing and packed with a lot more functionality straight out of the box.

The biggest marketplace for WordPress premium themes is ThemeForest, with over 6000 themes on sale.

Making your blog visually appealing is more important than you might think. In fact, 75% of users admit to making a judgment about a website’s credibility based on the design according to Stanford’s Guidelines for Web Credibility.

Therefore, you should pick a good, professional looking theme to put out the right image for your blog. I recommend is starting off with a clean-looking free theme and upgrading later on in your journey when you start earning money.


Attracting New Visitors With Great Content

Now that you have your blog all setup, it’s time to create content in order to attract new visitors and start building a readership.

Google is currently processing over 3.5 billion searches a day and that figure is only going to increase with time. In order to attract new visitors to your blog, you must focus on creating content that ranks well in the search engine results for your keywords.

However, ranking well for competitive keywords is anything but easy and requires a lot of time and effort.

Google updates their algorithms at least once a day on average with one goal in mind: to increase their user satisfaction. For search engines, this translates to providing the best and most relevant search results to the users.

This means that now more than ever before, bloggers need to focus on writing content that provides actual value to the readers in order to rank well in Google.

Focusing on user satisfaction and creating content that genuinely helps your readers is the best strategy for the long-term growth of your blog.

Here are a couple things that you should keep in mind when writing a new post to make sure that you are optimizing your user satisfaction as much as possible:

1. Target Long-Tail Keywords With a Clear Intent Behind Them

A great way to increase your user satisfaction and SEO is to target keywords that have a clear intent behind them (what the searcher is hoping to find) and creating your content accordingly.

By targeting long-tail keywords (keywords of 4 or more words) instead of simple broad keywords, you can create content that is perfectly tailored to the intent behind the search and blow your user satisfaction through the roof.

These kinds of keywords also have a much higher click-through rate and conversion rate while having less competition for the top rankings than broader keywords.

Learn my step-by-step strategy for finding long-tail keywords with little competition (without using any paid tools): The Ultimate Guide to Finding Long-Tail Keywords That’ll Skyrocket Your Search Traffic

2. Use Good Post Structure and Formatting

Since this is something that has been tested and experimented for years now, most content marketers agree on what good post structure looks like. Here is a quick breakdown:

Attention-grabbing headline:

Headlines are just as important as the content itself—only readers who are drawn in by the headline will read the rest of the article. Your headline needs to instill curiosity in your readers and make them incapable of resisting clicking.


You want to organize your content into small, more focused parts. Since the majority of your visitors will only skim through the post, this allows them to find what they are looking for with ease.

Short paragraphs:

Break down your content into short paragraphs of 2-3 sentences. That way, it makes it much easier fir your readers to take in all the information and overall makes for a better user experience.

Lots of images:

Images are one of the best ways to capture your reader’s attention. In fact, content with relevant images gets 94% more views than content without, so make sure you are consistently integrating plenty of useful images.


People love lists. Using numbered or bulleted lists is an excellent way to make your content easier to digest and understand. Plus, the indentation will draw the reader’s eye. Win win!

You should also try to aim for your content to be at least 1500 words in length. Not only does this provide more value to the searcher, longer posts tend to rank higher in search engines according to a study conducted by SerpIQ.

The study found the average content length to be above 2000 words for content ranked in the top 10 search results. It’s also been found that longer posts get shared significantly more and get more backlinks for SEO.

There’s no magical amount of words that will get you top rankings, but there is a clear trend that longer is better.

3. Always Research What You Write!

Unless you’re already one of the top leaders in your niche (and even then), you’ll need to do your share of research in order to write great content.

To truly provide your readers with the best content possible, you can’t take any shortcuts – you need to do your research and make sure that what you are saying is accurate and actionable.


Promoting Your Content And Gaining Momentum

As hard as creating high-quality content may be, you still have a lot of work to do before people start reading and interacting with it.

There are over 2,000,000 new blog posts being published every day, making harder now than ever to make your content stand out and get seen by the right people.

For your articles to start ranking in search results, you need to manually promote them and push to get them right under your target audience’s eyes. It doesn’t matter how good your content is, it is simply useless until it gets seen.

Once people start reading and sharing your posts, you blog will start gaining momentum and naturally climb the search engine results with time.

Here are some methods that have been proven to work time after time which you can use to promote your posts and starting building momentum for your blog:

Method #1: Email Outreach

Although this approach is tedious and boring, it actually works and consistently provides results when done correctly.

Simply put, you send out personalized email to popular bloggers in your niche asking for your content to be shared. Although most people will probably ignore you, a small percentage will share your content and sometimes even give you a backlink.

Here’s a quick rundown of the necessary steps to performing effective email outreach:

1. Get noticed beforehand

Comment on their posts, share their content on social media… Do anything to make a good impression on the person you are planning on reaching out to.

People are much more likely to open email from a name they recognize and if they see that you’ve been actively helping their blog out, it’s not unlikely that they’ll do the same for you.

2. Personalize your email

Most successful bloggers get tons of automated outreach email every day and if you don’t make your email stand out, they probably won’t read it.

You can personalize your emails by asking genuine questions about one of their posts, complimenting their work or really anything that will catch their attention.

3. Ask for your content to be shared

Once you’ve gotten noticed and personalized your email, you can eventually ask them to share your content. Wait for the right opportunity and make sure you don’t seem desperate!

Method #2: Guest Posting

Another great way to get noticed in your niche is by writing for other top bloggers.

Most successful bloggers have a hard time consistently producing content and therefore will gladly publish your post if it meets the blog’s standard.

Getting on other successful blogs doesn’t only increase your authority in the niche but will also draw in a steady amount of traffic to your blog through your author bio which links to your blog.

Here’s what you need to do:

1. Find a good post idea

Successful bloggers get a ton of guest post ideas pitched to them. To stand out, you need to find an exciting idea for a post that fits well with their audience and that they’ll really want to publish on their blog.

I recommend coming up with at least three good ideas to suggest to increase your odds of getting the gig.

2. Pitch your idea

You want to pitch your idea using a friendly and respectful email approach. Be polite and don’t hesitate to compliment their work or offer your help with anything.

Present your post ideas and try to sell them on why it would be a great addition to their blog. Here is a template of what your pitch email could look like:

3. Write the post

Once you get the green light from the blogger, it’s time to actually write the post! Don’t rush it and make sure you’re proud of it before submitting it.

That way, you make not only a good impression with that blogger but with his entire audience.

Learn more proven methods to help promote your content and draw more traffic to your blog: Boost Your Traffic: 11 (Free) Methods To Promote Your Blog Posts


Building a Loyal And Active Email List

Building an email list should be your absolute priority if you’re planning on making money with your blog.

Your email list allows you to transform one-time visitors on your blog into loyal supporters that actively support and share your work. Furthermore, it enables you to deepen your relationship with your audience and sell products to them with ease.

Here’s what you need to know to implement email marketing correctly on your blog:

1. Set-Up Your Email Marketing Service

To manage your email list and send emails to many people at once, you’ll need to sign up to one of the many email marketing services out there.

I highly recommend my readers to use Drip since it provides the latest email marketing automation technology for just a fraction of the cost. They offer a free 30-day trial, as well as a 1$ monthly plan for bloggers who are just starting out.

What’s great about Drip is that you can easily set up automated sales funnels to make your email list work entirely on auto-pilot. In other words, you can program your emails beforehand and only worry about growing your email list.

Of course, your automation doesn’t need to be as complicated as the one above when you’re starting out. Either way, Drip provides everything you need from an email marketing service and more.

2. Add Opt-In Forms To Your Blog

Next, you’ll want to add some forms on your blog so your readers can subscribe to your list. Here are some the most common places to integrate opt-in forms:

  • Sidebar widget
  • Bar at the top of your site
  • Pop-up form
  • In-content
  • After your posts

The easiest way to design these forms and integrate them on your blog is by using a list-building plugin like ThriveLeads. I’ve been using ThriveLeads for a while now and would recommend it to all my readers who want to build their email list faster.

It enables you to design clean looking opt-in forms using a simple drag and drop editor and quickly implement them in the best locations to get as many sign-ups as possible.

You can also use a free alternative such as SumoMe, although you don’t get nearly as many features and are very limited regarding design and customization.

3. Always Offer Something In Exchange

The best way to dramatically increase the amount of email sign-ups you get is by providing a gift in exchange for subscribing, like in the example below.

This gift, called a ‘lead magnet’, needs to be valuable to your readers and tempting enough for them to enter their email address and subscribe to your list. Here are some ideas:

  • Free eBook or report
  • Discount coupon
  • Email course
  • Checklist
  • Template

The key to creating a high-converting opt-in is to think of what problems you average reader would have, and present the solution as your lead magnet.

4. Keep Your List Warm

Before you can start making money with your email list, you need to develop a real relationship with your subscribers by sending them helpful content, freebies or simple advice.

That way, your subscriber will be much more likely trust your recommendations and buy from you when you start selling or promoting products.

To warm up your list, you can send things like recent blog posts, useful guides, free ebooks, case studies and such.

It’s not the size of your email list that matters, but rather the relationships you maintain with your subscribers.

Learn more about building an email list, warming up your subscribers and creating high-converting emails: List Building Made Simple: The Beginner’s Guide to Email Marketing


Monetizing Your Blog The Right Way

Finally, the exciting part!

When it comes to making money with your blog, you only really have two options: to sell your own products, or to promote other people’s products using affiliate programs.

Although many bloggers try to monetize their blog using simple ad placements, these tend to be very ineffective unless you have a massive amount of visitors coming to your blog.

That’s why your email list is so important—by maintaining an active relationship with your readers, you can pitch them something they need and make money that way.

It’s commonly said that one email subscriber is worth 1$ a month. Based on that figure, you could be making $120,000 yearly with a well-maintained email list of only 10,000 subscribers. Not bad!

Let’s explore our options:

Promoting Affiliate Products

Affiliate products are great because they enable you to sell something without actually needing your own product.

Simply put, you promote another company’s product and get a commission for every sale you refer. This means you can recommend high-quality products from established businesses to your audience and make money that way.

Take a look Pat Flynn’s monthly income breakdown for example and you will see that the majority of his earnings come directly from affiliate sales.

The affiliate marketing spend in the United States alone is predicted to reach 4.8 billion in 2016 and is rising quickly—this means that there’s a lot of money to be made right now and in the future.

Here’s what you need to do in order to find affiliate programs to promote and start getting sales:

1. Check if any products or services you already like have affiliate programs

Many products or services that you already use and like may already have affiliate programs that you can promote. You can find out with a simple Google search “[Name of product or service] affiliate program”.

2. Look at what affiliate programs your competitors are promoting

A good way to find out what the good affiliate programs in your niche are is to see which ones your competitors are promoting. Search through their site and find out which products they are linking out to—odds are, they are an affiliate.

3. Join affiliate networks

Another great way to search for affiliate programs is to join affiliate networks. Simply put, they are a grouping of many affiliate programs under one roof. Here’s a couple worth checking out:

Before promoting any affiliate program, you should try it out for yourself and make sure it’ll actually provide value to your readers.

Never promote products that you don’t know and trust―your relationship with your readers is the whole foundation of your blog’s success and it isn’t worth it to put it on the line for a measly affiliate commission.

Promoting Your Own Products

Another powerful method to monetize your blog is to create and sell your own products or services.

It doesn’t need to be anything complicated―it could be anything from a simple eBook to a complete online course, as long as it’s relevant and of useful to your audience.

By selling your own products, not only do you keep 100% of the profits for yourself, but you also keep the customer and can continuously re-market to them in the future.

Darren Rowse from ProBlogger revealed that the main income stream for his blog is the sale of his personal eBooks.

If you like thinking big, you can even go beyond the simple eBook or online course and launch a full-fledged business using your blog as leverage.

For example, when Spencer Haws from Niche Pursuits noticed that there was a huge market gap for straightforward and efficient keyword research, he had the brilliant idea of launching his own software., Spencer was able to build up a lot of anticipation for his upcoming release.

By using his blog and active email list, Spencer was able to build up a ton of anticipation for his upcoming release.

As a result, the launch of his keyword research software Long Tail Pro was massively successful and eventually turned into a multi-million dollar business.

Other Ways to Monetize Your Blog

As your blog grows and becomes more popular, you’ll discover more and more opportunities to make money using your blog.

Most successful bloggers utilize multiple income streams on their blog to maximize their profits―for example, Darren Rowse has at least 12 different sources of revenue from his blog.

Here are some extra ways to monetize your blog and maximize your profits:

1. Consulting/Coaching

If you have the reputation of an expert in a niche, people will come looking for your advice on certain things. It’s easy to monetize this by offering a consulting and/or coaching services on your blog.

Offering consulting works best when you’re considered an expert in your niche and you have a lot of valuable information to share.

People like Neil Patel who are known leaders in their industry can make a significant amount of income on the side by offering their consulting services.

2. Paid Speaking

Although this also requires you to be a well-known expert in your niche, if you are it’s an awesome way to make extra money while promoting your brand and networking at the same time.

For this to work, you must be very comfortable with public speaking and have the skills to prepare an impressive presentation.

Go out your comfort zone!

3. Membership Site

Another great way to monetize your blog is by turning it into a membership site, giving access to certain content or tools only to paying subscribers.

Blog Marketing Academy released their ranking of the best blog monetization methods and surprisingly, membership sites came up on top of the list.

For example, they offer a premium membership on their blog known as the Blog Monetization Lab, which contains all their exclusive content and courses for a one-time fee of $390.

Depending on how much time and effort you are willing to put into creating exclusive content, setting up your own membership site could be very profitable.

4. Selling Your Blog?

Although this isn’t technically a blog monetization technique, selling your blog is an excellent way to make anywhere from 12-24 * your blog’s monthly revenue up front without too much hassle.

There’s a huge market online for buying and selling websites that are making money, and very sophisticated platforms exist to make the sale process easy.

The best place to start is Flippa, the most popular destination for buying and selling websites. There, you can easily list your blog for auction to be viewed by thousands of buyers with cash in hand.



Congratulations on making it through the entire post! It sure took a while to write it all up, but I hope it helps you start your own blog and quickly dominate your niche.

Don’t forget that like any real business, starting a profitable blog takes time and a lot of consistent effort. You shouldn’t expect results right away, so just keep working hard and success will come to you eventually.

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