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7 Steps to Optimize your website for SEO by using local landing pages

Did you know that 92% of searchers will only pick the businesses on the first page of their local results? That’s a huge number! So how can you optimize your website so these local consumers end up on your website? The answer is by optimizing your website for local SEO which you can do by creating local landing pages.

What Is A Local Landing Page?

City landing pages also known as local landing pages are the pages on a website that are optimized for the specific geography of the business to better tailor to the needs of the locals. These pages are must-haves for those businesses that operate in more than one location.

Need For Local Landing Pages

So why the need for these local landing pages? Their need arises because consumers in different locations have different needs. Google is smart and only displays those results on top that match local search intent. Because of this, what may work in one place may not do so well in another. This is why local landing pages are created, to address the needs of consumers living in different locations –whether it’s multiple cities or continents. Basically, in simple words – local landing pages speak to a specific audience based on their geography.

How To Create Local Landing Pages For Your Website

You must be wondering what makes local landing pages different from standard landing pages? The difference is in their content. Local landing pages are optimized for local searches. They help businesses in search engine optimization and bring them on top in specific keyword searches.

So how to know which pages on your website require a local landing page, and how to create one? Most of the time, city landing pages are only created for the service pages of businesses. If you’ve ever seen the website of Airbnb, they leverage different local landing pages (according to each city) to appeal better to their audience.

So where to start when creating a local landing page for your service page? Below we will explain in steps how to create a killer local landing page that ranks at the top for local searches.

1. Research Relevant Local Keywords

Every SEO effort starts with keyword research and it’s no different in local SEO. Your aim should be to find low difficulty, high volume, and local keywords for your business. For example, if you’re a car rental business in Houston, then you should be optimizing for a keyword like ‘car rentals in Houston’. In addition to the location of the place, you should also find keywords for phrases that are well known in that location.

2. Local Content Copy

After you are done with keyword research, it’s time to use those local keywords in your content. Focus on keywords that can be used to write content around a problem that is faced by locals. Tailoring your content around the concerns of the locals is what a good local landing page is all about.

You also have to make sure that the content of each local landing page is unique. Google penalizes duplicate content so it’s a big no to duplicate landing pages. But creating so many city landing pages copy can be a tough task! You can start by only creating local landing pages for your high-traffic service pages.

3. Local Contact Information

Contact information comes in content as well. But we wanted to create a separate section for it to highlight it better. There are a few things that you should include in the contact information of these landing pages.

Write your NAP (Name, address, phone number) the same on local landing pages as you did on your other pages. You must uphold NAP consistency everywhere on your website to rank better for local searches. And if you have your physical address in that local then make sure to embed it in Google Map. This will make it easy for your customers to find your business, and also put you in Google’s good graces!

4. Site Structure

Where will all these landing pages be on your website? Linking your local landing service to your main service page is a good idea. This is because the main service page is usually the first place someone looks when they are interested in your services. If they want to explore different areas you offer services in, they can then go on the internal linked local service pages.

Besides the main service page, you can also attach local landing pages to the footer of the website. This gives the user an idea about all the locations you serve in, in one place.

5. Local Title Tags

On-page SEOis all about meta descriptions and internal linking. These tags are the main holding places for your keywords. They are also an important ranking factor for Google. Make sure that you include the location name and service name in your title tag to optimize the page for local SEO.

6. Local Meta Descriptions

A meta description is a summary of what the user will find on your page. It is the biggest factor that influences if the user should click on your website or not. Try to include your focus keyword in the meta description at least one time, as well as the location.

7. Internal Linking

After you’re done with the content, you will want to link relevant pages to your local landing page. These pages can be case studies, how-to-guides, tips, and tricks, etc., that are relevant to the audience of that location.


Local landing pages are must-haves for businesses that are offering services in more than one location. These landing pages bring the business more conversion, as the website ranks higher in local searches because of them. Creating these pages and optimizing them for SEO is not so different from standard SEO. The only different thing is the inclusion of the location. There are many free seo tools for small businesses. You can follow a DIY approach when creating local landing pages.or get professional local SEO services that deliver top-notch results. Whatever the case, don’t miss out on that juicy local traffic by not optimizing your site for local SEO!
