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9 Steps to Publish Articles Frequently To Drive More Traffic


The next big thing you would be struggling with starting a blog is to publish articles consistently.

I have seen many bloggers not being consistent with blog posting and waiting for a miracle to happen and boost site traffic. If you are not consistently publishing articles, there are a few chances of building your audience and ranking on search results. And there are some people who publish content every day without knowing the tricks of getting more visitors.

There are a lot of things you need to do, and I have listed them below to make your content creation process easier.  You might be familiar with a few of the things but I am sure, you are still unaware of the gems.  

1. Coming up with content ideas

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Your content idea is the first thing you need to care about to publish articles frequently. You should be aware of what your audience is searching for and how you are going to solve their problem.

Once you know the niche you are writing about, you can search for where the audience exists on the web.

Quora: Quora is the biggest online community where you find the best answers to any question. Find out what people are asking and how you are going to write content around the topics.

Google trends: See the latest trends and the most popular search terms on google. The graph is the most important thing to see as it shows the popularity of the topic by time.

Buzzsumo: Search for the top content in your niche that is being shared most on social media. This will give you an idea of popular topics that actually work.

In the same way, you can look for other communities and forums where your audience exists for coming up with content ideas.

2. Keyword research

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Keyword research is the most important step you should never miss if you want to publish articles that more and more people are searching for. Once you get the topic idea, you should then search for how people will actually find your content. You should be thinking of the terms people will search to discover your content.

Brainstorming: Think about the terms that people will look up for and jot them down in an excel sheet. Don’t just think about the exact words but go for long-tail keywords.

Semrush: Once you complete the brainstorming process, enter each word on this tool and check for the number of searches. I personally use this tool as it gives the related keywords and the content that is already ranking.

If your site is new, it’s a bit difficult to compete with high-volume keywords. A good option is to look for low-volume and long-tail keywords. Choose less competitive keywords and add more related keywords that you think fit best for your content.

Keyword planner: Keyword planner is another popular tool to see the search volume for different keywords. Enter the keywords from your excel sheet and look for which keyword is being searched the most.

Once you have analyzed all the keywords, choose the keyword you think is the best fit. If you still have doubts about selecting the right keywords, I suggest you go through the keyword research process.

3. Writing an attractive title

Coming up with a great title takes equal time to spend time writing the whole content. You should not take this lightly. After spending enough time and still not getting a good title, use the below tools to Analytics Help to publish articles with an attractive and catchy title.

  1. Portent content idea generator
  2. Awesome title generator
  3. Tweak your biz title generator
  4. SemRush Title Generator

Here is an alternative way to come up with effective article topics.

4. Choosing a header image

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You all would agree with the fact that choosing a great header image really works if your title isn’t strong enough. Title and header image are the only things people see when you share content on social media. So, always try to create a header image that attracts attention and compels people to click.

5. Go through the Grammar checker

Once you are done with writing, make sure your content isn’t full of grammatical errors. Nobody would like to read your content even if it is full of jewels.

Grammarly: Download this tool on your PC and make a habit of checking grammar before publishing your content.

6. Optimize the images before you upload

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Nobody likes to wait for your content to load. Before you publish articles on your website, the best practice is to optimize your images before uploading them to the server. This reduces the size of your images and loads pages faster. Below are the two best tools you need to bookmark for your future use.

  1. Compressor.io
  2. Tinypng.com

For large size header images, I suggest you compress with compressior.io first and then with tinypng. For any other image, just go with compressor.io.

Use copyright-free images while creating your article. There are lots of free and paid copyright-free images tools available. Here is the best copyright-free images site list you can check.

7. Optimize your content (On-site optimization)

When your draft is ready, don’t just hit the publish button. The important thing is to optimize your content for search results. Make sure to add the keyword in your title, URL, and the first 100 words of your article. If you are running a WordPress site, I suggest you use the Yoast plugin.  

8. Promote your content

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Once you hit the publish button, don’t just close your laptop. This is the time to apply the 80/20 rule to your content creation and promotion strategies.

Buffer: Save time by using a buffer. This is very useful for scheduling and promoting your content to multiple platforms simultaneously.

9. Measure the results

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Now it’s time to see the results. Which is the most popular content and where in the world your targeted audience exists.

Google Analytics: Google Analytics is one of the best tools to analyze your site traffic. Using this tool, you can see the top content on your site, your website’s daily visitors, audience location, and much more.


So far you have come to know that creating content does need great effort and time. But by using the tools I mentioned above can make your life easier and save time to generate more content.

If you have read up to this point, allow me to say thanks and comment below with your favorite tools which you think I have missed.
