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How a Shopify SEO Agency Can Help Boost Your Store Traffic

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Traffic is not easy to come by online. There’s certainly plenty of it to go around, but actually attracting it is another story. You also have to factor in that not all traffic is necessarily beneficial for your business. If you want to generate more traffic that will actually purchase your products and help push your business goals further, you need to take the right steps.

A Shopify SEO agency will be able to help you put together a plan of action that will get you the traffic you need in order to boost your business. Being a store owner comes with a fair share of challenges. From inventory management to marketing your brand, there are dozens of small and large tasks that need to be juggled in order to carve a path to success online.

Getting traffic is perhaps one of the most important and most difficult tasks of all. How do you actually get people on your website? What’s more, how do you get people to visit your website and actually buy your products?

Why SEO is the Right Move For Shopify Stores

If you operate a Shopify eCommerce website, you know how important it is to generate traffic and conversions. This is the backbone of your business, after all, but it’s easier said than done. If anyone could magically get an unlimited flow of traffic, we would all be overnight millionaires.

The truth is that, despite how popular online shopping is, you still have to fight for every visitor to your site. You have to prove not only to shoppers, but to Google, that your website is worth visiting. This is where Shopify SEO comes in. A search engine optimization plan addresses a multitude of different areas of your website, from site speed to navigation, meta titles and a variety of other issues, all of which play an important role in your website’s ability to rank.

You probably have been trying to get on the first page of Google for your best keywords for some time now. You may even have a little background knowledge in SEO but can’t seem to move the needle. This is because there’s a whole lot more to SEO for eCommerce than you might think. Before even delving into the process of adding keywords to specific pages or making blogs based around these keywords, you have to perform the right research.

This is where a Shopify SEO agency can make a real difference for your business. A qualified agency will know how to perform in-depth SEO research, using proprietary tools and other research methods, to analyze ranking opportunities. Only through proper keyword research can you begin to properly boost your website and help push it onto the first page of Google.

There are other ranking factors you have to consider as well. Are you getting enough backlinks? Are the backlinks you are generating based around informative content that points to your important target pages? Do these target pages have the right keywords in play?

Chances are, you haven’t thought of any of this, which is why an SEO agency with a Shopify background is absolutely necessary if you want to get ahead. Don’t waste time into other forms of digital marketing if you don’t have your SEO down.

Genius eCommerce® is a skilled Shopify agency that knows a thing or two about Shopify and the world of eCommerce marketing. They have extensive experience with ranking Shopify stores and will be able to make a powerful difference for your business. Contact them today to get started with boosting your online store.
